Welcome to My Personal Page
It is a pleasure for me to take up the Debout pour la Cause challenge. Yes, it will be a physical challenge, but it is nothing compared to the challenges faced by patients.
Help me reach my goal! Every donation is important, please give generously.
Thank you for joining me and for being a source of healing!
Generous Donor
Raised $250 and more!
I made a gift!
Proud to support Debout pour la cause
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Mr. Alain Vaillancourt
Mr. Sami Boutaleb
Julie Castrilli
Mme Isabelle Tremblay
Miss Valérie Lapierre
Anh & Nico
Steeve Gauthier
Mr. Frederic Nazair
Véronique Larocque
Sylvie Dorris
Claudine Lafreniere
Celine Tremblay
Andrea Fuentes
Anne Marie Grenier
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