Participate to Montréal Passion Vin

There are many ways to participate in the Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) Foundation’s signature events. Find the one that suits you!

Les dégustations

Discover the four guest wineries by taking part only in Friday's prestige tastings, including a gourmet dinner.

Price by person: $1,500

Wine Experience Package

Experience wine and food at its best and don't miss a thing!
Discover the four guest wineries by participating in the prestigious Montreal Passion Vin tastings, including a gourmet dinner. Then, meet these same producers at the closing dinner.

Price by person: $3,000

La soirée d'ouverture À Votre Santé

Attend the opening night only, and enjoy champagnes from a great house, accompanied by refined hors d'oeuvres.

Price by person: $350

Spirits tasting

Discover the art and finesse of exceptional spirits with a spirits tasting. The event will take place in traditional form, with a variety of products.

Price by person: $295

Le Grand Banquet Montréal Passion Vin

Attend the closing party on Saturday. Enjoy a gourmet menu with the best bottles from our guest winemakers.

Price by person: $1,750

Want to purchase multiple tickets or a table for your company? Contact to know the rates and visibility.
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